Injazz Constructions defines Work Strategy as the general policy determined by a group of work standards derived from the goals of the company, nature of the needs of the targeted categories, concept of possibility and formulating such standards into tools, policies, administration programs in order to lead every aspect of work in the company, and form the general frame of such aspects.
General Strategy
The effective adoption of the most modern administrative and technical tools in the field of the company operations by employing the capabilities which are able to invent and realize the available opportunities and invest the same in a way to increase the work sources, support the company toward the realization of its objectives in a way that achieving the interests of the company, clients, workers, and investors.
Quality Assurance Management Strategy
- The continuous efforts to practice the ideal standards in the field of work in a way to help in obtaining the certifications of quality assurance management, and to work according to the local and international standards related to this management, under the supervision of the authorities assuming the affairs of licensing the companies and qualifying it for such certificates.
- Continuous training for employees to enable them carrying out and implement the standards of quality assurance and making it as an integral part of their professional, employment, and technical behaviors.
- Enact resolutions, regulations, and new creative policies in the company on the basis of the quality assurance standards to be in line with the development of by-laws in comparison with the systems created regionally and internationally in this field.
- Apply the skills, applications, and practices of quality assurance management to all of the targeted clients by practicing the same with them for creating communication systems of high management quality helping the company to attain the sought quality and assurance system.
Management Strategy
- Injazz Constructions is managed according to the general objectives and the specific ones assigned by the top management of the managers of its companies. Objectives are usually formed on the basis of management by objectives which has achieved surprising success in worldwide.
- Each plan formulated to achieve the goals is attached with “performance indicators” which measure the ability of the company to achieve its specific goals stated in the said plan.
- All plans shall be submitted to the “Management of the Company” for discussion, evaluation, opinion, remarks, and make the suggested modifications.
- The evaluation of the completion is related to the practice of operations with digital reports measuring the results of performance till date, the extent of progress in achieving the goals, and demonstrate the need to support from the other sections of the company.
- In general, plans include improving, developing, and interaction with the targeted categories and companies concentrating on the sales, costs of sales, and the shares distributed on the sections to achieve it.
- The management of the company shall cover all the following services to the companies of the group, and no company shall have the right to carry out any activity of those of the management of the company:
- Personnel affairs.
- Financial management & control.
- Management of properties.
- Official relations with competent authorities.
- Legal affairs of all kinds.
- Sign investment and partnership contracts, and the offers.
- Banking accounts and affairs.
- Travel and relocation.
Every company shall have the right to make instructions to appoint any of its employees under the recruitment law in group, which is subject to the evaluation and employment standards, salaries systems, discipline, and the most important of which is to pass the interview of recruitment committee.
Investment Strategy
- Avoid the risks, carelessness and imprudent expectations in choosing the investment opportunity and analyzing it.
- Develop accurate measures and standards in choosing the investor, associate in the projects of the company.
- Carrying out all investments which are in conformity with the Islamic principles.
- Study and analyze the investment opportunity on the basis of the most modern methods in investment feasibility studies, and by international corporations and companies which has its own fame and experience.
- Seeking to create investment individual portfolios as an investment fund replacing the commercial banks.
- Limiting the investment in the fields of the company’s activities, and linking the same to the experiences and professional capabilities of the company to achieve the investment success.
- Taking into consideration the trends of the market, laws, and regulations prevailing in various investment activities of the company.
- Approving foreign investment party as an auditor in order to ensure the success of the investment, and issue reports for its correctness and situations.
Market Strategies
- To conduct regular survey for all official or non official information sources related to prices, analyzing the trends of the market, competitors, prices of materials, and services in the fields which the company is working through, and targeting its markets.
- Dividing the market of the company to similar categories regarding the features, characteristics, the standards used in work fields of the company, and using different kinds of standards such as the annual work size, nature of the work, ability to execute, competency of the workers and financial ability.
- Building a network of public relations with large corporations, companies in the market, and so to firmly establish such relations on the basis of strategic associations serving the company and its clients.
- Detecting the available market opportunities by using the research, development, and modern technology tools, and using such tools to prepare advanced economic feasibility studies ensuring the feasibility of investment before entering the market.
- Approve promotion systems and materials representing the real size of the company, its real abilities, and level of performance without exaggeration.
- Relying on marketing, sales, and public relations of professional persons who are able to spread the position of the company to the targeted categories, and convincing such categories with the ability of the company on meeting the requirements of their needs and achieve their satisfaction.
Cash Strategy
- Linking the cash flow with work plan, and determine the cash sources before commencing the implementation of the plans.
- Identifying the potential cash sources and planning for the same in really, logically, and scientifically.
- Sales.
- Reduction of expenses.
- Payment against income.
- Supplier’s facilities.
- Investment funds.
- Operating money.
- Banking loans.
- Facilities.
- Loans.
- Credits and guarantees.
- Securities guarantees.
- Services against lump sums.
- Governments.
- Partner’s entry.
- Determine the percentages of the expenses of the balance sheets, and measure the effect of the amendments on the executive plans.
- Reduce the fixed expenses which do not general income, and make the largest portion of such expenses as variable costs.
- Avoid generalities and possibilities in plans of disbursing money.
- Reduce the obligations according to the size of plans which have figure objectives.
- Distribute the responsibility of generating the cash according to payment rates.
- Form a team to control the flow and payments in the balance sheets of the various departments and estimate the effect of changes on the general balance sheet.
- Enhance the relation with owners of money.
- Joint Stock Companies.
- Banks.
- Investors.
- Rich men.
- Owners of Documents.
- Important Characters.
- The clear plan which govern the cash flow to the remote rate of change and deviation from the budget of the plan:
What? The purpose
Why? Reason
When? Time
How much? Target size
How? The mechanism
How much? Cost
Who? In charge
To whom? Targeted
Where? Place
Strategy of Public Relations & Clients’ Services
- Clients’ Service System is the main basis of the strategy of the company, and is a group of the actual practices for serving customers.
- Work through creative tools for maintaining the continuous relations with current and potential customers on the basis that “the clients of the company are the real capital, and its main & actual investment”.
- Meeting the requirements of the customers by working in line with the interests of the company.
- Active contribution in all interests of the community which the company is working with, such as showing interests in environment, improve the skills of people, and contribute in the strategies of the top leadership of the community.
- Use the latest developments in “serving customers” in order to meet their requirements and maintain the relations with them.
- Provide the required skills to the in charge of the management of the company to practice the strategies of public relations, customer service through various manners, such as:
- Maintain detailed data base for all categories and components comprising the market of the company, and invest such data bases in building effective professional relations helping the company to achieve its customers.
- Involve in the activity of real estates development through the associations, and professional alliances in such sectors, and to contribute effectively in such activities.
- Be in touch with the components of the market with all categories through the known and new public relations.
Recruitment & Qualification Strategy
- Applying the traditional principle for ensuring the quality “The right person, in the right position, in the right time, against the right salary”.
- Comply with the vacancies of the organizational structure, titles, and employments numbers stated in the same.
- Adopt the personal competency and professional skills as a basis for recruitment before approving the educational certificates.
- Making the recruitment on the basis of multi choice in order to have the best.
- Maintain the minimum employment turnover.
- Train and qualify employees in a way complying with the mission, objectives, and work strategies.
- It is well known that Injazz Constructions is developing a quality system to the management in general, and to the management of field operation in particular, in order to meet the requirement of all needs of the targeted categories in the market.