Services of Injazz Constructions

1.1     The company is recognized a pioneer in the investment and real estates markets. It has expressed its distinction through the creative pioneering features in all real estate projects developed and in the investment benefits achieved from the those investments, whether those Injazz Constructionown investments and/or those for the other strategic associates and partners, whose list is growing to include group of bodies, corporation, financial, investment, and marketing companies on the local, regional, and international levels.

 2.2     Relying on its pioneering strategy, the company is going beyond the expectations of its clients and customers. By virtue of its specified objective, and depending on the information search resources, its regular studies, the company is dealing with the real estates and investment projects through  distinguished concept and sharp vision, and relies on lists of variables obtained over many years of experience to form its current methodology:

  1. The real estates development and investment is not limited to only the concept of making the concrete cubes on the land and selling it in order to achieve the highest returns, but it goes beyond that to find real estate project bearing the concept of continuity and community to the businessmen and all beneficiary satisfaction of the project.
  2. Each project developed by Injazz Constructions has its own concept, which is connected to all those who contribute to the project performance in the site: contractors, consultants, financing, marketing, and determining the return.
  3. In all circumstances, the idea of the project, its components and targeted groups are all considered before the other complementary components such as the land, finance, marketing, and expected profits.
  4. The feasibility study of the project is the cornerstone in drawing the plan of the project and launching the process of translating the idea of the project into reality, and prepare perfect work plan.
  5. The interests of the partners and associates shall be of equal importance as those of the company regarding the success in any project involving the company.
  6. Relying on distinction components for inventing, preparing and executing the real estate project, and to re-formulate the experiences of the market, invent the same in new creative method maintaining the privacy of the company, and grant its more integrity with its partners.

3.3     In order to achieve the identity and distinction objectives of its operations, the company employs a group of production sources working soldierly in order to complete the projects of the company:

  1. List of the strategic associates (partners) in the geographical areas in which Injazz Constructions is working.
  2. International strategic associates who are specialized in various fields of development, investment, and the financial, official, engineering, technical, and administrative components of the economy sections, and the studies, revisions, and consultancies.
  3. Engineering sources, and company’s engineering staff who has long term experience and skills.
  4. Sources of studies and researches, and any thing supporting it under the management of the experts in the fields of investment, financial analysis, feasibility studies, market research.
  5. Sources of marketing and the data, skills, and capabilities which have achieved marketing results on the regional and international levels.
  6. Financial Sources along with its multi divisions specialized in the fields of costs accounting, internal control, audit the balance sheets, manage the credits, investment, capital, rights of shareholders, and audit the accounts of clients.
  7. Professional teams formed by specialized individuals having high financial, marketing, administrative, and investment skills such as the project team, studies team, negotiation teams, project planning team, strategies making team, quality management team. All of these teams jointly have achieved a great success lead the company to the pioneering level of the leading companies in the real estate development market.

4.4     By embodying its strategies into work plans and professional field practices, Injazz Constructions was able to create the opportunity of best practices in the real estates and investment development which can be summarized in the practices and ideal services rendered in this fields:

  1. The company relies, in all of its services provided to the management of the project, on its great experience in similar projects, and on large network of public relations in the market of real estate development in Arabian Gulf, in addition to the experiences of the employees of the company, and their engineering, financial, administrative, and marketing relations.
  2. The process of developing the project and managing the business of this development is aiming at achieving major important goals targeted by Injazz Constructions for investment & development in all projects executed by Injazz ConstructionGroup:
  1. Creating a value added idea and joining it to the concept of real estates and investment.
  2. Achieve the goals of the partners and associates in the project.
  3. Reduce costs.
  4. Invest time effectively.
  5. Make Completion within the standard criteria.
  6. Realize the architectural, marketing, and profitable goals.
  1. In General, the services of developing the project and managing its constructions include the list of the following services:

Financial Management

  • Prepare the documents of costs analysis.
  • Prepare the balance sheets, control compliance, follow up and audit the changes of the same.
  • Manage the financial facilities of the project.
  • Manage accounts and process of issuing and payment of invoices for all parties.
  • Internal & External financial auditing of the project.
  • Managing the banking accounts of the projects.
  • Manage investment, and organize the rights of partners and shareholders.
  • Manage the accounts of clients and beneficiaries.
  • Prepare, control, and issue the final accounts of the projects.


Engineering Management


  • Develop the idea of the project.
  • Prepare the initial design of the project.
  • Prepare the technical specifications and the standard measures of the quality of the specifications.
  • Prepare completion plan and distribute the roles.
  • Prepare, follow up, and execute tenders of the project.
  • Elect the executing companies and analyze its ability for completion.
  • Manage negotiation with the execution parties in all stages of completion.
  • Control the quality and compliance.
  • Represent the owner before all competent bodies.
  • Control of Consultant, and contractor, and organize the contractual completion practices.
  • Elect, test, and control all engineering staff in the project and the individuals.
  • Prepare the regular engineering reports of all kinds and refer the same to the competent authorities.
  • Prepare, develop, and control the contracts in the project.
  • Managing the purchases of the project, electing the suppliers within the standards of reducing the costs, good quality, and compliance with time limits.

Marketing Management

  • Identifying the targeted categories.
  • Prepare, control, and execute marketing and sales plans in the project.
  • Continuous update of the data of market, guide the real estate investment toward such data by developing databases of the company.
  • Linking the sales with the cash flow of the financial commitments of the project.

Development & Investment Management

  • Develop pioneering and distinguished idea of the project.
  • Complete market research and trends of investment in the location of the project.
  • Prepare the feasibility study of the project.
  • Contribute in facilitating the processes of financing the project for certain and specified sources.

International Facilities Management

Injazz Constructions identifies this service as an employment of the professional local, regional, and international experts by making strategic associations with the company. These associations are  specialized in several fields serving the ideas of real estate and investment development, and help the company and its partners to apply the international experience and using its in favor of the company and its partners in the following fields:

  • Feasibility studies and market research.
  • Management and investment of capitals and assets.
  • Engineering Consultancies.
  • Contracting.
  • Projects management.
  • Financial management and auditing.
  • Marketing & Public relations.
  • Media.
  • General management.
  • The services of Injazz Constructions can be summarized in the following services which can be achieved by all companies of the group, whether the owned ones or those in which Injazz Constructions has high shares:
  • Real Estates Development & Investment.
  • Develop the real estates projects.
  • Market research & studies.
  • Study & analyze the investment risks.
  • Partial Investment in real estate projects.
  • Regional & international representation for clients.
  • Investment in lands and governmental projects.
  • Hotel management and finance.
  • Finance and business management.
  • Contracting management.
  • Properties management.
  • Real estate marketing and promotion.
  • Real Estate information and knowledge.
  • Real estate studies and research.
  • Investment portfolios establishment and management.
  • Managing projects and assets.
  • Investment and real estates sales.
  • Develop real estate electronic systems and programs.
  • Real Estate arbitration and contracts management.
  • Feasibility studies.
  • Business development.
  • Management & engineering supervision.

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